Saturday, April 6, 2013

Day 3

I am only 3 days into my new plan, but am lacking motivation. I have been using my list of things to do to keep me from snacking, but am snacking more at night (since we are on Spring Break). How can I get motivated? I want to be healthy for myself and for my family. That should be enough to get me moving. Then, I begin to think of how busy I am, that I do not have time to walk a mile. Should I start with just ANY kind of walking and not set an amount? That might make me not think of how far I need to walk..? I need to make the first move TODAY!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

List of ways to avoid excessive snacking!

Ok, when I want to snack, what can I do instead of snacking???

Here is a list of things I can do when I THINK I need to eat:

  • read my bible
  • read another book
  • clean something
  • play bejeweled (anything to keep my hands busy)
  • drink some water
  • chew gum or peppermint

I will list more as they come to my mind!!!!

A new beginning...

Well, I have been complacent for far too long. It is time to get my tale in shape... time to get to a healthier me. I will try my best to blog every day about how I am doing, what I am doing, my strengths, my struggles, etc... All in an attempt to finally focus on becoming healthier. This will be a long and tough journey, but things are always easier when I write about them, so that is my hope...

This is just an intro, but this stood out to me and seems to be a simple plan to follow:

Eat better. Move more. Keep focused!

My first post (other than this intro., will be focused on how to turn away from food - when you don't need it)

Before I begin that, I need a BIG goal, and some little goals (for keep me focused and motivated):

BIG goal: 180 lbs.
Current weight: 270 lbs. (give or take... scale battery is low, so I cannot check.. fiddlesticks)

little goal: rather than a weight loss goal, I want to walk at least 1 mile each day for a month, then bump it up each month...

This is just a beginning. I do not want to put too much on my plate, as this is how I have been discouraged in the past!!! Live and learn!